@InProceedings{ElamvazutManson95, title = "{I}ncorporating {U}se-{C}ase {A}nalysis in {PCSC} {M}ethod", author= "Elamvazuthi, Chandran and Manson, Gordon A.", editor= "Nixon, Patrick", pages = "213--226", booktitle= "{P}roceedings of {W}o{TUG}-18: {T}ransputer and occam {D}evelopments", isbn= "90 5199 222 X", year= "1995", month= "mar", abstract= "Use-case analysis is a simple but useful technique for driving the process of analysis in a meaningful manner. It is used, in one form or another, in various object-orientated software development methods notably OOSE, Booch and OMT. In this paper, we explain how use-case analysis has been incorporated into PCSC, a method based on the occam model for developing parallel software systems. To illustrate the usage of use-case analysis in PCSC, we present a simple case study of a Character Sorting System." }