@InProceedings{BarrettBarton92, title = "{G}eneral purpose parallel computers: a standard architecture with a standard programming interface", author= "Barrett, Geoff and Barton, Eric and Carden, Trevor and Duval, Dominique and Nicole, Denis A.", editor= "Allen, Alastair R.", pages = "129--138", booktitle= "{P}roceedings of {W}o{TUG}-15: {T}ransputer {S}ystems - ongoing {R}esearch", isbn= "90 5199 085 5", year= "1992", month= "mar", abstract= "Recent developments in the area of high performance computing are pointing the way to a standard architecture for parallel computers. This architecture contains a number of medium-cost processing elements which communicate with each other through a high-bandwidth, low-latency interconnect. The design of the interconnect eliminates the concerns of \"locality\" which are current in the programming of present-day machines. This \"flat\" topology and common architectural model lead to increased opportunities for establishing portable software for high performance computing. The Esprit GP-MIMD project has exploited these opportunities by developing the architectural model and denning a programming interface for software which runs efficiently on machines with a range of processing power." }