@InProceedings{WelchJusto91, title = "{O}n the serialisation of parallel programs", author= "Welch, Peter H. and Justo, G. R. Ribeiro", editor= "Edwards, Janet", pages = "159--180", booktitle= "{P}roceedings of {W}o{TUG}-14: {O}ccam and the {T}ransputer-{C}urrent {D}evelopments", isbn= "90 5199 063 4", year= "1991", month= "sep", abstract= "This paper argues that one of the key techniques for making the most efective use of multi-processor architectures is the serialisation of parallel code! Parallel algorithms are presented as having strong engineering merits that will form the natural basis for systems design in the future. Parallelisation of serial code is regarded as having only short-term value (for \"dusty-decks\", whose correctness cannot be verified) as well as being mathematically intractable. Serialisation, on the other hand, is much easier to automate and can be profitably employed today. Several serialising transforms for occam processes are presented and applied to various simulation and image compression tasks." }