@InProceedings{Robinson91, title = "{A} simple parallel algebraic multigrid", author= "Robinson, Guy", editor= "Edwards, Janet", pages = "62--75", booktitle= "{P}roceedings of {W}o{TUG}-14: {O}ccam and the {T}ransputer-{C}urrent {D}evelopments", isbn= "90 5199 063 4", year= "1991", month= "sep", abstract= "This paper describes an \"algebraic multigrid\" scheme which can be applied to a wide range of matrix based problems. Multigrid schemed offer significant gains in both numerical performance and runtimes compared to conventional solvers. The equations for the hierachy of grids are generated solely from the equation for the fine mesh without generating the intermediate grids or relying on geometrical features of the fine mesh. The development of the code for distributed memory Multiple Instruction Multiple Data architectures is detailed. The numerical and run time performance is described for simple linear equation sets and as a linear solver for coupled equations as part a 3D computational fluid dynamics code." }