@InProceedings{JonesCha90, title = "{O}n the {F}easibility of {R}un-{T}ime {P}rocess {M}igration in {M}ulti-transputer {M}achines", author= "Jones, Peter and Cha, Hojung", editor= "Zedan, Hussein S. M.", pages = "12--27", booktitle= "{OUG}-13: {R}eal-{T}ime {S}ystems with {T}ransputers", isbn= "90 5199 041 3", year= "1990", month= "sep", abstract= "A number of techniques for the amelioration of message transport costs in networked multiprocessor machines have been explored. Among these are established approaches such as (i) software implementation of message through routing systems, (ii) run-time installation of point-to-point physical connections between otherwise remote processors and (iii) pre-load manipulation of the machine topology to bring communicating processors close together. A further technique is proposed. This technique requires the run-time transport of processes, between processors, in order to reduce the distance over which communication must take place. This paper investigates the feasibility of such an approach for multi-transputer machines and indicates ways in which it can be implemented in practice." }