@InProceedings{Jacquemin90, title = "{I}mplementing {R}ecursion on a {D}ouble {R}ing {T}opology", author= "Jacquemin, J. L.", editor= "Turner, Stephen J.", pages = "80--84", booktitle= "{OUG}-12: {T}ools and {T}echniques for {T}ransputer {A}pplications", isbn= "90 5199 029 4", year= "1990", month= "mar", abstract= "The widespread recursion problems can become much more time-efficient if they are processed with the help of a parallel algorithm. The authors have shown that transputer networks are able to bring an outstanding efficiency in the case of a double ring topology. A special care is given to load balancing, performance enhancement techniques and optimization of interprocessor communication.The method presented here can be implemented on any number of processors by merely changing a single parameter: The number of processors involved." }